Field | Description |
Product ID | An identification code for the product. This does not have to be the supplier’s reference. |
Category | The category that the product belongs to. Categories are used to make it easier to locate products for sales and other actions. |
Status | The status of this product. |
Name | The name of this product. <guidelines on names – what information they should have> <searching> |
Status tab
The fields in this section show information about the product, how it is used, and so on. The fields in this tab are generated by the system and/or derived from information elsewhere in the system.
Field | Description |
Overall Rank | These fields are automatically generated, and provide information about the ranking of the product. A process can run, normally at night, that recalculates the product ranks. |
Quantity Rank | The rank based on quantity sold |
Value Rank | The rank based on value sold |
Margin Rank | The rank based on margin sold |
GP% Now | The gross profit percentage that would be earned by selling the product at it’s default sell price level. |
Date Created | The date that the product was entered into the system. |
Original Sell Price | The original sell price for the product, when it was first entered in the system. |
Was Price | This is used to specify the original price of a product, for situations such as sales. For example, a sales tag might say “was $80, now $20”. $80 is the Was Price in this case. There is a setting in system administration to determine how long the old price is retained when sell prices for the product are changed. |
Was Price Date | The date when the Was Price applied. For example, a sales tag might say “was $80 on 1/1/2014”. |
Last Ordered | The last date that the product was ordered through Readysell. |
Last Received | The date that the product was last received. |
Last Shipped | The date that the product was last shipped. |
Last Cat End | The end data for the last catalogue that included this product. |
Margin Rank Value | The rank based on the total value of margin in the ranking period |
<image> | An image of the product. The image is set in the General tab. [Is this displayed on the website?] |
Field | Description |
Manufacturer | If you have a card for the manufacturer, you can enter them here. |
Model | The model name. |
Image File Name | The name of the file containing the product image. |
This tab contains a single field, which is where you can write a description of the product. If you prefer to work in HTML, or if someone has given you an HTML file, you can use the Design and HTML tabs at the bottom of the screen to switch between formatted and HTML text.
[link to topic about editing a description]
[link to topic about the text editor, if one exists]