When you complete a Sales Shipment the following pop up will appear you will need to fill in the required field.
Con Item: The number of boxes for the Shipment you are sending
Carrier: Choose the carrier to send your Shipment through
Con Weight: the weight of your Shipment
Con Wdt: The width of your box
Con Date: The date you are sending your Shipment
Description: This will auto fill based on your Carrier
Con Length: The length of your box
Con Hgt: The height of your box
Print Label: To print the Con Note for your Shipment ( this is auto Ticked )
Apply Least Cost: Applys the cheapest Carrier for your shipment
Once you have filled in all boxes, Click Button OK
This will send your order to Smart Freight Express, you can then log onto Smart Freight Express using detailed provided to you.