Checking web admin that the contract has made it to the web

  1. Log into Web Admin
  2. Make the screen be full screen so you can see everything properly
  3. Click on Sales
  4. Click on Accounts
  5. Click on button Find
  6. Key in part of the customer's name
  7. Click on button Find
  8. On the result window, click on the number of contracts for that customer.  This will open up the list of contracts for this customer (Active or otherwise).
    1. If the number of contracts is 0 (zero) then it means the contract has not made it to the web as yet.
  9. Sort the resulting list of contracts to show only Active contracts (use the drop down at the top of the window and select Active)
  10. Check the list of active contracts to see if the contract name appears with a Created date to be around today's date (note these dates are in American format of MM/DD/YY)

If the contract shows on Web Admin (check the date Created which is in american date format) and the customer is not getting their prices on the web, you need to speak to Office Brands as this is not a Readysell issue.

If the contract is not showing on Web Admin, check the Office Brands Messages for the contract in Readysell.

  • If it shows as Failure, check the xml response message.
  • If it shows as a success, contracts for the Office Brands end send back resulting messages around 9am and 3pm daily.
  • If nothing shows in this window, check the web customer name is filled in and the type of contract that it is trying to send up.