Checking categories on contracts will upload to the web


Contract prices can be based on categories. Contacts based on categories will no upload unless the "Web Category Id" read only field contains a number. You can check for this while you are entering products onto contracts.


Select "Relationships" then "Contracts" from the navigation panel.

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Then select the "Categories" tab on the contracts detail view. Click on the view variant's button, enter a name for your view variant "Category Webid Review", and click ok.

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Right click on the column headings above your list of individual products, then select "Column chooser"and right click on the column headings, Click on Add, then expand "Category". Click on the checkbox next to the "Display on Website" and "Catalogue Product" fields. Click Ok then drag the  "Display on Website" and "Catalogue Product" to your products list view on the contract.

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If any categories that have the "Category.Web Category ID" empty will not upload to the website. The display on website checkbox should now show as filled in for all your categories. If it does not. You need to select a different category or contact support about getting a web category id for the category you are using. In the example below, one of the categories will work, as it's web category id contains a number. The other category, with a blank web category id, will not upload to the website.

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