
As an alternative to using the email parser, using a web-based form to request and capture copy count from the customers has the following benefits:

This setting is universal as such will be applicable to all active machine meters where the Count Method is Email (Automatic)
On the Machine/Meter the check box is flagged for 'Email Count Required'
At lease one contact must be flagged as 'Payable' and one address as 'Physical'.
To see the meter count run email batch message, this is stored in Messages.


  1. From the Navigation panel, click Administration > Advanced > System Types then select "SERVICE"
  2. Select "WEB-PORTAL-COUNTS-ENABLED" and set the Value to True
  3. Select "COUNT-COLLECTION-OVERRIDE-EMAIL" and set the Value to an email address to be displayed on the web page (e.g., workshop@storename.com.au) 

  4. Click Save

  5. From the Navigation panel, click Administration > Email Batch Defaults then select "Meter Count Run"

  6. Review the template to ensure anything in your instructions to your customers is accurate to reflect the new process.

  7. Conduct a meter count run

Customer instructions on how to complete and submit a web-based count copy request form 

  1. Click on the link provided in the copy count email received

  2. Customer's default web browser opens and displays a web-based form

  3. Key in a new count for all the machines/meters on the form in the specified New Count space

  4. Click Submit Counts to return the filled form to the store

  5. A message appears to confirm that meter readings have been submitted

    Readysell will auto-update the New Count for the respective meter count run machine/meter using the submitted form

  6. Close the browser if needed