The following list of variables can be used in the Subject or Body fields on Email Defaults or Email Batch Defaults.

{TRANSACTION-NUMBER}The external transaction number(s) of the relevant transactions(s)
  • INV-10001
  • PURORD-1234
  • For emails related to transactions only
  • If there are multiple transactions they will be separated by commas
{LONG-DATE}The transaction date of the relevant transaction in "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy" format
  • Monday, 15 June 2009
  • Friday, 5 July 2013
  • For emails related to transactions only
{SHORT-DATE}The transaction date of the relevant transaction in "dd/MM/yyyy" format
  • 1/01/2008
  • 1/07/2013
  • For emails related to transactions only
{FROM-NAME}The full name of the current Readysell user  
{TO-NAME}The name of the person to whom the email is being sent  
{CASE-NAME}The name of case  
{FROM-PHONE}The phone number that is provided  
{FROM-EMAIL}The from email address  
{CUSTOMER-ORDER}The "Customer Order" of service order 
  • For emails related to service orders only
{TOKEN}The "Token" of service order, case and meter count run 
  • For emails related to meter count run, service orders or cases only
{DATA}Various hard-coded data that needs to be inserted by the system 
  • For meter count requests this will be replaced with the equipment information and count area
{NOTES}The contents of anything entered into the "Notes" text box when sending the email.