The 'REVERSE' Button works the same in every module.
You can only Reverse Transactions in an open period.
The system will not allow you to reversed any transactions that generates a banking . If a banking is part of a bankrec you will not be able to reverse it if the Bank Reconciliation has been finalised.
The Reverse button is available in the following modules.
- Reversing Customer Debits
- Reversing Customer Credits
- Reverseing Customer Payments
- Reversing Supplier Debits
- Reversing Supplier Credits
- Reversing Supplier Payments
- Reverse Bank Deposit
- Reversse Bank Payments
- General Ledger Manual Journal
- Sales Shipment from a Sales Order and a Sales Shipment from a Meter Count Run Shipment
- Purchase Receipts
An Example of the use of the 'REVERSE' Button = Reversing a Customer Payment.
- Click on Relationships
- Click on card
- Search and highlight the card in question
- Click on Status Button
- Click on Customer Open Items Button
- Find the Customer Payment
- Highlight it and click on 'Show Source Record'
- Click on the 'Reverse' button
- The system will prompt you for a date. Usually you accept the date as the date of the reversal should be the date of the oriignal transaction.
- Click on OK
- The revesed transactions writes the word 'Reverse' in the description field.
- There is a 'Reverse' flag on the open item to identicate if the transaction has been reversed.
To reverse a Invoice you must reverse the shipment firstly.
Reversing the shipment reverses the Invoice.