Readysell is a large and powerfull program. There is a substantial cost if you try to implement most of Readysell's features in your sites. All sites get the same Readysell program, but for smaller sites the cost of implementing Readysell can be greater than the cost of the program itself.
If your business has up to five users, we can aim at NOT trying to do the best Readysell implementation possible. Instead Readysell can save you a lot of money by:
- making the target smaller
- implementing some of the basics
- getting training help by sending your staff to learn at other sites for a few days
But this will only work if you stick to the small set of features we agree on. Readysell has piles of features that can help your site. The temptation to run with more of the features is hard to resist. But if you can't do so the small site approach will not work. It is a lot easier if you have another Readysell user you can visit.
The key ideas behind the small site strategy is:
Even the basics will make you business run a lot better
Don't expect to implement everything Readysell can do or everything you want. Stick to the basics, save money on the implementation but work harder later if you want to implement more features.
Get help from other Readysell users by sending your staff to work in their site
The key to making the small site strategy work is self discipline! You have to decide to run with just a few key features and ignore a lot of features that could help your business. If you can do this and resist asking for help implementing ANY feature beyond the basics. Then you can save time and money at the time of implementation. You can't keep implementation costs down and implement a lot of features at once!
- Make and STICK TO priority list of the few features that are most critical to your business and run with Readysell's most basic implementation of those features:
- Automatic price updates
- Live with the fact that turning on automatic cost and sell price updates will change your old cost and sell prices
- Sale order entry
- Required
- Data review and tidy up
- Understand want needs to be cleaned up and work on it slowly over time if you can.
- Point of sale
- Skip this unless you have more than a few cash sales a day
- Automatic purchasing
- Requires a few hours training but has huge benefits in time saving and improved stock accuracy
- Web site integration
- Don't use contract prices if you can help it
- Scan stock in and out
- Huge time saving and accuracy improvements available. Recommended, but does require a few hours of training time, some large screens and scanners.
- Financials
- There are a lot of details that just have to be right with financials. There is no way to substantially reduce the implementation cost. This is one area where the small site strategy can't reduce implementation costs
- Reports
- Only use lists and reports as they currently are in Readysell
- Automatic price updates
Get help from other Readysell 8 customers
No other single measure will save you more costs or make the small site strategy work for you more than sending your staff to work for a few days in another Readysell 8 customer's business!
- You need to gain a lot of experience as economically as possible, the cheapest way to do this is to work at another Readysell 8 store. Just pick stock, enter sales, anything you do will be a huge benefit. Going to other sites and watching what they do will not work. You have to stay there and help them process work in order to learn. You have to do the work at the site you visit for the knowledge to sink in. But if you can't do that, sit and watch what the other Readysell 8 customer does for a few days. One day will not be enough.
- Find another Readysell user near your business and agree to send a key staff member to that site to work in their business for a few days
- Get a key team member trained in an outline of those basic features you need. Then send them to another dealer to help that dealer with their day to day work for a few days. By the time you team member returns. They will know a lot of what they need without having to pay as much for Readysell training
- Follow the standard "fail safe implementation strategy", but cut down the features covered
Above all else, don't expect to save on implementation costs and to also get everything you expect. Have the discipline to resist learning more or implementing more than you need to get started. It is a bit like being on a diet. Readysell has all those goodies, but you have to resist going for them all, otherwise your costs will blow out.