Versions Compared


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Comment: Added xml conventions to MPS Meter Name


Meter types perform the follow functions. They:


Templates Tokens


Meter Name


Machine ID


Machine name


Address of the machine not the Invoice Address (general tab)

Machine Address Location: {machine-address}

{machine-customer-reference}Location/Customer reference
{address-display-Name}Display name of the Invoice address not the Machine address
Invoice Address: {address-display-Name}


Machine Model Product


Machine Model Product Name
{Serial-Number}Machine Serial Number




Start Reading


Finish Reading


Total Pages



Copy click price


Breakdown of the individual meter prices and the portion of the total value generated from each price type.

Prints only where there are multiple prices on the meter. If a meter only has one price, it doesn't print anything​.

{full-price-breakdown}Breakdown of the individual meter prices and the portion of the total value generated from each price type.


The full value of the charge.
Tokens that only apply to minimum charge note template
{minimum-charge}The minimum charge.

Tokens that apply only to rolling minimum

{rolling-minimum} Minimum volume
{charge-count}Billed volume
{under-rolling-minimum}Under Pages
{over-rolling-minimum}Over Pages
{credit-count}Clawback Pages


New Linenot requiredPress enter after each phrase to start a new line
Value to include dollar sign to two decimal places:cValue {value:c}
Price to four decimals where the first two decimals are required (0) and the last two are optional (#)
So in the example token, the price will show up to 4 decimal places
:00##Price {price:0.00##}
| - Pipe symbol (if there is no quantity or value to print it will skip it)|Value|


  • Code: The Code referring the meter (E.g. Mono, Colour, etc.)
  • Description: Brief description of the Meter Type.
  • Charge Product: the product that is on that machine meter 
  • Weight: leave blank
  • MPS Meter Name: The name given for the meters for the Print, Fm and Inbound email referring to. Name cannot start with punctuation or a number (E.g. PageCountMono, LifeCountMono, etc.)
  • Canon Counter Number: The number given from Canon E-maintenance reffering to the meter type (E.g. 112 = A4 Mono)
