- In the Navigation panel, go to Print Services then >Services> Meter Count Runs
- Click on button New to create a new meter count run
- In the Description field, enter a description for the meter count run
Click on button Extract Meters. The Extract Machines window displays
Expand title Show me - Select the Meter Count Run Set from the drop-down list
- If required, select Meter Count Cycle from the drop-down list
- If required enter Machine Filter, you can use the filter to restrict the meter count run to cover only particular machines.
- When you have finished, click on button
- Ensure that you enter the right date
- When selecting the meter count run set, the linked meter count cycle auto-populates
If you are counting a machine separately from the count cycle remove the count cycle and insert a machine filter - If you have already counted the meters for this cycle and you wish to only extract a meter count run for Uncounted meters then click on the check box 'uncounted meters only'
- Click on OK
- Readysell generates a list of machines that require a count for the selected meter count cycle and displays it in the Line Items tab
- Verify the extracted meter count data in the meter count run
- Generate the batch of emails by clicking on the button Generate Email Batch and then Send Email Batch
- Make any required changes when the counts come back checking for count variance of '0' and any negative count variances. Amend the counts if need be
- Click on button Save to save the changes or click on button Finalise to finish the meter count run
If the meter count is complete then you are ready to finalise it by clicking on the action button Finalise, otherwise if you are waiting for later reads to come through do not finalise the count run until then.
When finalising you may be prompted with a Validations/Warnings reviewExpand
You can have a number of meter count runs for the same cycle for the same period
Once you have extracted/checked counts and finalised each of these meter counts runs for the same cycle you can then Charge it.