- Search for your product.
- Click on Tab Sites.
Click on Tab Quantities.
:On Hand: The quantity of this item that is available at this site. Service Back Order: Quantity on Service Order Backorder Net Qty On Hand: The total number of products currently on hand. This includes all stock, including allocated, quarantined, etc.
Below is how Readysell calculates Net Qty On Hand
Nett Qantity on hand =
this.with Stock Allocation on:
this.NetQuantityOnHand =
Nett Qantity on hand -QuantityOnTransferPending.
with stock allocation is off :
this.NetQuantityOnHand =
inQuantityOnTransferPending Sale Back Order: Quantity on Sale Order Backorder Transfer In: The quantity waiting to be transferred to the site Transfer Out: The quantity already transferred out of the site. But not yet receipted by the transfer to site Transfer Pending: The quantity in outstanding transfers that have not yet been picked Transfer Pick: The quantity in outstanding transfers that is currently being picked Purchase Order: The number of products that are at the location, but have been assigned to a purchase order. Lay-By: The number of products that are at the location, but have been assigned to a lay-by. Quantity On Unallocated SaleShipments Qty on "In progress" sale shipment that was not allocated by the system e.g., for shipment created for Supply Type = Ignore Allocated: Quantity allocated to a Sale Order\Service Order Available: The number of products that are available to be allocated to an order. Below is how Readysell calculates QuantityAvailable with Stock Allocation on: QuantityAvailable =
- QuantityOnTransferOut
- QuantityOnTransferPick
- QuantityOnLayBy
- QuantityAllocated
- QuantityOnUnallocatedSaleShipments;
with stock allocation is off :
QuantityAvailable =
- QuantityOnTransferOut
- QuantityOnTransferPick
- QuantityOnLayBy
- QuantityOnSaleOrder;
Stock Waiting: Stock on a Sale Order\Service Order where the supply type on a Sale Order\Service Order is set to waiting.
How to set the supply type to waiting on a Sale Order\Service Order you will need to set the ship after date to the future.Expand title Show me image To Investigate stock allocation you will need to review the Stock Allocated field.
If there is a Quantity in 'Allocated' this means that stock has been allocated to an older Sale Order\Service Order.- Click Show Breakdown
- Click Sale Allocations
- This will display any Sale Order\Service Order that has stock allocated to it.