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When you enter a consignment note against shipment that contains the consignment’s tracking number, you will see a new “Track Shipment” button that will provide quick access to the status of the shipment.

We’ve enabled this for many of the default carriers in Readysell (including Australia Post, Couriers Please and Fastway) and you can easily add your own by setting the “Tracking URL” on the carrier. If you’re using our
IFS freight integration, we’ll automatically populate this for you and we’ve also added the “Consignment Note” field to the “Complete Sale” screen so that you can easily enter consignment details as part of your regular workflow.


  1. In the Navigation panel, click on Sales then click on Shipments.
  2. Select the required shipment  
  3. Click the Consignment button

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  4. The Required Carrier must be selected from the drop down list

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  5. In the Consignment Note enter the carriers tracking number. 

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  6. Click OK to save the changes.

  7. Once the Carriers tracking Number is entered the Track Shipment button on shipments will now be activated.

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  8. By clicking the track shipment button it will now redirect you to the carriers website by using the tracking number entered into Consignment Note.

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  9. If required you can add the tracking details to you email signatures allowing customers to track their shipments.


    This is a template designed for single outbound emails to customers or suppliers.

    1. From the navigation panel, click on Administration then click on Email Defaults
    2. A list of Email Templates will appear select the email Template you would like to add the Tracking URL to.

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    3. In the Template enter the following Object in and click Save.

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