Code | Description | Default Value |
AUTO-CLOSE-STOCK-ADJUSTMENT-WHEN-POSTED | To auto close the stock adjustment tab if Value sets to True | False |
AUTO-CLOSE-STOCK-TRANSFER-OUT-WHEN-SENT-TO-PICK | To auto close the stock transfer out tab when sent to pick if Value sets to True | False |
FORCE-NAME-UPPER-CASE | Force the name of the product to be upper case when used on transactions. | False |
GENERATED-PRODUCT-ID-ENABLED | Whether to enable to product ID auto generation | 0 |
GENERATED-PRODUCT-ID-FORMAT | Format to use when auto generating product codes | {GlobalPrefix}{CategoryPrefix}{DocumentNumber}{CategorySuffix}{GlobalSuffix} |
GENERATED-PRODUCT-ID-PREFIX | Global prefix to place before any generated product code. Known as {GlobalPrefix} | |
GENERATED-PRODUCT-ID-SUFFIX | Global suffix to place after any generated product code. Known as {GlobalSuffix} | |
USE-INTELLIGENT-PICK-SORTING | When splitting sale shipment lines for picking, lump together lines for the same product | False |
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