Versions Compared


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In a nut shell, Readysell has more options  a wider range of features and greater automation than Readysell Lite. Readysell Lite has simpler screens can be more economical for smaller sites, easier to learn and implement. Readysell Lite still retaining the key integration and day to day process. Both products enforce key business disciplines helping you improve your business processes.

Full Readysell allows screens and lists to be redrawn to suit your business. It also contains many automation features and mobile features to automate the larger and/or more adavanced warehouses.

Readysell and Readysell Lite Feature comparison

ModuleFeature ReadysellReadysell LiteComment

Management DashboardYes
Business at a glance

Mobile App including paperless picking, put away and delivery
Pick, pack,
put away and deliver goods with paperless mobile app which works even when out of wifi range

Stand Alone Pos ApplicationYes
Pos continues to run even if Readysell is down

Readysell Go Browser ClientYes
Access your Readysell system from any browser when you are out of the office.

Action ItemsYes
Be automatically alerted to important business events or issues

Freight company integrationYesYesInterface your deliveries directly to couriers or Australia Post

Cloud BackupYesYes

Local deployment on your server or cloud hosted YesCloud only

Redraw screens to suit you and copy to other usersYes
Add or remove fields and lists from the screen until each screen suits each of your individual user requirements

Build, filter and save your own version of any list or transaction lines to suit your business

Make, save and colour lists based on multi-level arbitary filter critieria with drag and drop ease.

eBay integrationYesYesUse eBay to sell your excess stock with automatic order upload and download

Use screen colours to highlight exceptions removing the need for most reportsYes
Inform your team using colours when a top customer buys or a dead stock product can be sold

Form report writer includedYes
Copy existing reports or make your own

List report writer  includedYes
Construct excel like lists with subtotals and grouping without having to exit to excel

Analysis report writer  includedYes
Create comparison of sales by month at any level of summary or detail

Financial report writer  includedYes
Go beyond the included financial reports by buidling your own financial reports with any number of levels of summary and subtotals

Web site integration API'sYesYesLink to ecommerce sites

General integration toolsYesYesUpload information from Readysell to a huge and expanding list of websites

Email management and tracking integrationYesYesTrack, monitor and correct emails. While protecting your business from being blacklisted for mass mail outs

Buying group product data integration and updatesYesYesAutomatically update data to and from your buying groups product database

EDI for Purchasing, service and other modulesYesYesSend purchase orders to suppliers by EDI, link to machines and import email information into Readysell

Drag and drop document management includedYesYesDrag files right from emails and drop them on the related record in Readysell to record the document attachment in Readysell. Drill through multiple levels of attachments from suppliers to products to transactions etc. Limited availability in Readysell Lite






Email BatchesYesYesLimited to statements and sale invoice batches only. Not general mail outs etc.

Open ItemsYesYes


Customer DebitsYesYes

Customer CreditsYesYes

Customer PaymentsYesYes

Supplier CreditsYesYes

Supplier DebitsYesYes

Supplier PaymentsYesYes

Payment ReconciliationsYes

Payment RunsYes


Cash BookBank AccountsYes

Bank DepositsYesYes

Bank PaymentsYesYes

Bank TransfersYes


Bank ReconciliationsYesYes
General LedgerAccounts List ViewYesYes

Accounts Live P&L and Balance SheetYes
See your P&L change live on the screen as transactions are processed


Standing JournalsYes


GST ItemsYesYes

GST BatchesYes
Ensure back dated transactions are submitted to the tax office even if entered in the wrong date range
Business IntelligenceKPI ScoreCardsYes

User Taylored Dashboards by roleYes


Price BookYesYes


Min/Max Update RunsYes

Price Change RunsYes

Product LabelsYesYes

Product Movement AllocationsYes

Serial NumbersYes

Stock AllocationsYes

Stock Location TransferYes

Stock Quantity AdjustmentYesYes

Stock Replenishment RunsYes


Stock Transfer Into SiteYes

Stock Transfer Out OF SiteYes


Sale OrdersYesYes

Sale Back OrdersYesYes

Sale ShipmentsYesYes



Order PaymentsYes

POS ShiftsYesYes

Pre-Ordered ProductsYes

Sale RunsYes

Batch ShipmentsYes

Invoice RunsYes

Gift RegistryYes

Gift VouchersYes


Lay-By PaymentsYes


PurchasingPurchase OrdersYesYes

Outstanding Purchase Order LinesYesYes

Purchase ReceiptsYesYes

Purchase InvoicesYesYes

Purchase RunsYes


Service OrdersYes

Service CallsYes

Meter Count RunsYes

Meter Charge RunsYes

Service Order TemplatesYes

Toner PoolsYes

Staff ScheduleStaff ScheduleYes

ReportsCross Tab Analysis ReportsYes

Form ReportsYesYes

List ReportsYes



Bulk MaintenanceBulk Update RunYes

AdministrationHundreds of Adjustments and optionsYes

Automatic warehousingAutomatic WarehousingYes

Advanced warehouse zones, locations, transfers and other locations based warehouse managementYes