Name | Description |
Date | The date and time when the email was created. |
Type | Type of message. Whether it is an email coming in, an email going out, a phone call, etc |
Result Type | Whether it is success or fail |
Customer | Customer Who the message is related to |
User | The user creating the message |
Priority | If there was a priority on this message |
From | Person sending the emailing |
To | Receiver of the email |
Name | Description |
Subject | The subject of the email sent |
Message | The email message sent - what was actually sent. Or can be how long the phone call goes for. |
Attachments tab
Name | Description |
File name | Name of the file that has been attached in the email |
Created At | The date and time when the email was created |
Size | File The file size |
Created By | User The user who created the message |
Records tab
Name | Description |
Date | Date of the message |
Type | The transaction type this message came from |
Number | The transaction number the message is related back to |
Card | The card on the transaction |
Parser Results tab
Name | Description |
Mail Parser Result Type | The result type e.g. MeterCount |
Meter | Meter name |
Rule Type | If there are any rules on it |
Case | The case relating back to this message |
Service Order | The service order this message came from/is related to |
Received At | When the message was received back in on |
Result Type | Success of Fail |
Error Message | If it failed, the error message relating back to the result type |
Service Orders tab
The service order this message relates back to
Meters tab
The meter the message is a part of
Meter Count Run Lines
The meter count run lines on this message
Using the message log
In the navigation pane, click Relationships then click Messages. The Message Log is displayed, showing all emails that you have access to view.