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Readysell's Messaging feature allows you to send and receive emails from contacts, and to view and manage automatically generated emails. 


Key Features

  • Readysell is an emails server that can directly send and receive emails without needing any client program such as outlook
  • You can see all emails, sms and electronically sent fax messages sent by anybody using Readysell or Received by Readysell in one place.
  • Overdue events, action items, service jobs being ready for pickup, work being assigned to technicians and many other events can trigger sms or email messages being sent to the appropriate customer or staff member
  • Meter counts, machine faults, toner levels, feedback from customers about cases and many other messages can be received by Readysell, analysed by Readysell's email server and used to adjust transactions, counts and balances in Readysell
  • You can pop up the source transaction directly from the email.
  • All automatically generated emails and manual emails are stored in one place.
  • Sent and received emails can be viewed in the same list.
  • All emails for all users or just one user can be searched.




Image Modified

New EmailCreates a new email
Image Modified
Link toLink the message to one of the options in the drop down list

Image Added

Copy EmailAllow you to copy an existing email sent previously


DateThe date and time when the email was created.


Type of message. Whether it is an email coming in, an email going out, a phone call, etc
Result TypeWhether it is success or fail to send out of Readysell. This doesn't refer to whether the customer receives the email which is sent out of Readysell. 
CustomerWho the message is related to
UserThe user creating the message
PriorityIf there was a priority on this message
FromPerson sending the emailing
ToReceiver of the email

Message tab

SubjectThe subject of the email sent
MessageThe email message sent - what was actually sent. Or can be how long the phone call goes for.


Attachments tab

File nameName of the file that has been attached in the email
Created AtThe date and time when the email was created
SizeThe file size
Created ByThe user who created the message

Records tab

DateDate of the message
TypeThe transaction type this message came from
NumberThe transaction number the message is related back to
CardThe card on the transaction


Parser Results tab

Mail Parser Result TypeThe result type e.g. MeterCount
MeterMeter name
Rule TypeIf there are any rules on it
CaseThe case relating back to this message
Service OrderThe service order this message came from/is related to
Received AtWhen the message was received back in on
Result TypeSuccess of Fail
Error MessageIf it failed, the error message relating back to the result type

Service Orders tab

The service order this message relates back to


New Email box will pop up

titleShow me
