Bank Accounts is a List of only the General Ledger Bank Accounts that have been set up within the Chart of Accounts and are flagged as 'Is Bank'.
If a 'New' or 'Additional Bank Account' needs to be set up, please ensure that it is set up firstly from within the 'General Ledger Chart of Accounts' in the right area. Then log onto Bankings and Fill in the rest of the information that relates to that Bank Account.
The 'Copy' Action button can be used within ' Bankings ' to create a Bank Account. Ensure that if this is the case, that the Flags and Details copied from the Original General Ledger Bank Account are correct for the New Bank Account created. To do that, you will need to go back into the General Ledger and find the account and check all the flags and settings etc thoroughly.The Bankings Module gives you a History in Detail and Summary format for each Bank Account for all Movements and Dissections for from each source transaction.
From within the Bankings Module the Bank Accounts can be drilled down further see Point Forms in summary below: