You must set up loyalty points for customers and products in order for the loyalty system to work properly. At a minimum, you must do the following:
- enrol customers in the loyalty program (contact Readysell if you want to enrol all customers in one go)
- record points against products (see Reviewing loyalty points on products for more information on how you can see if loyalty points have been set up for products.)
Checking that customers will gain points correctly
Use the following procedure to make sure customers receive their points:
- Log onto your Readysell test system.
- Review the customer card to confirm they are set up properly to receive loyalty points. Also note down the current points balance for the customer card.
- Review a product (and/or product category) to confirm the points gained for a product are set up correctly.
- In the Readysell navigation bar, select Sales to process a sale.
- Click Insert to insert a new sales record.
- Select the customer’s Customer Code. You must enter the customer code, otherwise Readysell will not be able to assign points.
- Enter the customer order number if there is one, then click OK.
- Enter your operator code.
- Enter or scan the product you are selling.
- Enter the Quantity Sold and any other necessary information to record the sale. When you have finished, click OK to accept the sale.
- Tender the sale off as usual.
- Check the invoice or receipt layout printed. The report should show the customer card's points balance as well as any points gained or used by the sale.
- Review the customer card. The points gained, points used and points balance should have changed by the amount you expected.