Readysell's sales module is fast and simple to use yet, like the rest of Readysell, highly customisable. It is useful to understand that Readysell handles the sales process by splitting work into the following elements :
- Sale Orders being the customer's demand for sales. Sales orders can come from multiple sources such as the web, quotes, data entry or mobile applications. Sales orders keep track of any back orders and also tie together the various shipments and invoices that might relate to the customers order. You and your team need to have a clear understanding of the differences between orders and the other sales elements in order to make the best use of the system. You should not enter POS transactions as sales orders.
- Service Orders control repairs to machines. Machines are service contracts that can be used with the service order and mobile application to give full control over your team of technicians. If you have a service team do not enter service orders through the standard sales order window. Service orders can make you sales department run at peak performance.
- Sale Shipments being our supply of the goods. Sales orders can have many physical shipments. The warehouse module can monitor work in the warehouse and release shipments for picking automatically as warehouse capacity allows. The time to setup automatic warehousing will save you in the longer term. POS sales are shipped immediately so they are created as sale shipments. POS transactions should be entered as sale shipments. Warehousing centres in part around picking sale shipments. Scanning stock being delivered can increase accuracy. But full warehouse workflow automation with the mobile application will optimise the sales picking process.
- Sale Invoices being the financial charge to the customer. Sales invoices can be for many shipments. So invoices can consolidate by sales order, month, head office account etc. Best use of invoicing requires you think about cases where invoices should be consolidated for groups of shipments or customers.
- Deliveries being the actual shipment of the goods to customers. Local deliveries can be tracked and controlled using the delivery component of the mobile application. Your delivery runs will work better for local deliveries if you use the deliveries module and the appropriate features of the mobile application.
- Workstation settings control automatic printing, immediate emailing and batch emailing rules. Delayed emailing allows time to correct errors. Central printing control allows preview or automatic printing to particular printers for specified documents to be very finely controlled. The automated reporting can do a lot to make your business more efficient. Almost any option is available. Quite a bit of study and careful planning is required to ensure you make best use of the automatic report selection, email and printing features available. Readysell needs to setup the workstation settings. But if you just accept the default settings you may not be getting the greatest possible benefits from the system.
- Bar code scanning using the unit quantities associated with barcodes automate data capture at every level in the warehouse. The quantity of bar code data and the correct selection of inner and outer box units will have a big effect on the efficiency of your sales and warehouse. There is a lot of industry data that can be imported to help you with barcode setup.
Key Features
- Efficient data capture by data entry, web intergration or mobile application
- Flexible invoicing and delivery docket generation, printing and emailing. Including invoices/delivery dockets per shipment, per order, per month to branch and/or head office account
- Highly maintaninable, flexible and trackable contract pricing. Including rules for groups of customers/products/machines, performance monitoring. Including prices, discounts, free products, date ranges, cost ranges, minimum in quantity/price in department or group buys
- Flexible workflow rules with alerting of exceptions and current status percentages displayed on key screens.
- Extensive Backorder Tracking
- Flexible tendering options including EFT intergration, deposits before order and customisable payment rules
- Return Tracking
- Reversal of transactions to remove the clutter of error corrections from customer accounts where appropriate
- Intergrated Point of Sale Module.
- Intergration to automated warehouse management
- Intergration to sales people's CRM module
- Intergration to mobile application
Additional Specialist POS Features
- Gift Registry
- Gift Voucher (Cards)
- Lay-Bys
- Touch screen stand alone POS module for POS only sites
- Mobile application intergration