Filtering dates using the advanced feature AddDays


Readysell allows you to filter by a specified date or some standard date functions, like earlier this month. Sometimes you want more control, such as filtering based on a number of days from today.

One advanced feature you can use to achieve this result involves going to the text tab on a filter and type in a AddDays(LocalDateTimeToday(), N), where N is the number of days plus or minus today that you want to filter on.


If for example you wanted to show all open items that are more than 30 days old and have a balance. You would first create a filter to show open items with a balance that are older than any random date.

 Show me..

The go to the text tab on the filter and change the date you selected to be the AddDays(LocalDateTimeToday(), N) function.

 Show me..

Note that you can change the number of days to be -120 to show open items more than 120 days old or every -150 to show open items more than four months old. For example [Date] < AddDays(LocalDateTimeToday(), -150)

This advanced feature can be used in sales, back orders and many other places in the system. Both for filers and for appearance rules.