Deliveries Filter

Deliveries Filter

Sales Deliveries Filter is a Readysell feature designed to enhance and optimise user's workflow by selecting one from a list of built-in filters.     

  1. From the Navigation pane click on Sales then click on Deliveries
  2. Locate the Filter button on the ribbon line. Select the required filter from the drop-down list
  3. Sales Deliveries listview changes to display only orders that meet the filter criteria


Filter CriteriaPop-up Explanation
All DeliveriesShow all deliveries
Outstanding DeliveriesShow all outstanding deliveries
Posting or Failed 
  • All Deliveries is the default filter setting when user first access the Sales Orders module.
  • The last filter setting selected will be saved and defaulted when user next access the module.
  • Mouse-over the Filter button to view the filter pop-up explanation.