Roles Permission Reference

Roles Permission Reference


Permission can be categorised as follows

  1. Readysell. prefixed permissions 
    1. Readysell.Module.Models.Security.Permissions.ActionPermissions governs the action buttons availability for usage on the ribbon line or line header for a given role

    2. Readysell.Module.Models.Security.Permissions.PointOfSalePermission allows a user to execute certain Readysell Point Of Sale function 
    3. Readysell.Module.Models.Security.Permissions.AuthorizationRequiredPermission authorisation code be added to certain functions – i.e. in a sales order, click on purchase button – needs authorisation from manager role before you can go ahead with it. Another example is the stock adjustment function.
    4. Readysell.Module.Models.Security.Permissions.ReadysellPermission permits a user to execute certain restricted Readysell function
    5. Readysell.Module.Models.Security.Permissions.StockQuantityAdjustmentPermission controls a list of reasons a user is allowed to use to adjust stock quantity according to role
  2. All other permissions control the availability of modules and sub-modules in the Navigation panel and level of permission for a given role e.g. create or delete an object, read or update object data.

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Indicates as to whether or not the Role is predefined and modifiable by the user. That is :

  • flag on/ticked to indicate that permissions are not modifiable by the user. This applies to a set of Roles predefined by Readysell from which each installation can copy/model to create and customise their own set of roles, namely : 
    1. Accounts Staff
    2. Management Staff
    3. Purchasing Staff
    4. Readysell Support Staff
    5. Sales Staff
    6. Web Service Consumer
  • flag off/unticked to indicate that permissions are modifiable by the user. This applies to roles created by the user for their installation which was copied from the predefined set of roles. It is recommended that installation specific Role names are prefixed by an identifier for differentiation purposes e.g., Tosco - Purchasing Staff  

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Exports the list of permissions.

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List of permissions associated with a role. 


The date and time that the card was created in the Readysell system.

Created By

The Readysell user who created this card.

 Last Modified AtThe date and time that the card was last modified in the Readysell system.
 Last Modified By

The Readysell user who last modified this card.

 Role Role Name

All other permissions

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Object Type

Name of module/sub-module accessible by a user

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 Create Access Access/privilege level
  • Allow : User is allow to create the object
  • Deny : User is not allow to create the object
  • None : User inherits the access level of the system i.e., usually Allow
 Read Access Access/privilege level
  • Allow : User is allow to read/view the object data
  • Deny : User is not allow to read/view the object data
  • None : User inherits the access level of the system i.e., usually Allow
 Write Access Access/privilege level
  • Allow : User is allow to update the object data
  • Deny : User is not allow to update the object data
  • None : User inherits the access level of the system i.e., usually Allow
 Delete Access Access/privilege level
  • Allow : User is allow to delete the object
  • Deny : User is not allow to delete the object
  • None : User inherits the access level of the system i.e., usually Allow
 Navigate AccessAccess/privilege level
  • Allow : Object is display on the user's Navigation panel i.e, allows user access
  • Deny : Object is not display on the user's Navigation panel i.e., prevents user access
  • None : User inherits the access level of the system i.e., usually Allow


Buttons on this tab




 Click to access a list of action names can be added to the Hidden Actions list. Once added to the Hidden Actions list, it is no longer available under the New button 

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 Click to delete/remove selected action names from the Hidden Actions list. Deleted action names are available under New button for re-adding

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Exports the list of permissions.

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Shows a print preview of the list of permissions.

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Action name to be hidden from a role. 



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Can Log On At Any Device

Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 

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 Can Authorize New Device Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Access Purchase Order Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Perform Stocktake Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Perform Stock Adjustment Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Change Gift Registry Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Change Lay By Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Change Purchase Order Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Change Transfer Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Create Pay in Pay out Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Create Negative Transaction Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Apply Discount Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Edit Price Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Edit Lay By Cancellation Fee Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Edit Order Cancellation Fee Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Extend Gift Certificates Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Perform Refresh All Data Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Access Cost Price Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 
 Can Create Customer Payment Tick the box to permit user to execute the POS function 


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Can Change Stock Quantity Adjustment Account

Tick the box to permit a user to execute the Readysell function 

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 Can Execute Web Service Tick the box to permit user to execute the Readysell function 
 Can Finalise Any Transfer Tick the box to permit user to execute the Readysell function 
 Can Release Sale Order Tick the box to permit user to execute the Readysell function 
 Can Release Purchase Order Tick the box to permit user to execute the Readysell function 
 Can Run Destructive Task Tick the box to permit user to execute the Readysell function 
 Can Run Non Destructive Task Tick the box to permit user to execute the Readysell function 
 Can Correct GST Tick the box to permit user to execute the Readysell function 
Can Change Purchase Receipt Cost

 Tick the box to permit user to execute the Readysell function 

This flag restricts the ability for cost prices to be changed when receipting in stock. No one should be able to change cost prices on receipts (there should be no need to anyway) to avoid any errors occurring.

Can Override Shift
Can Change Sales PersonTick the box to permit the user to change a sales person on a sales order, service order. When a sales order is converted to a sales shipment the changed sales person should copy over.


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 Click to access a list of reasons that can be added to the Reason list. Once added to the Reason list, it is no longer available under the New button 

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 Click to delete/remove selected reasons from the Reasons list. Deleted reasons are available under New button for re-adding

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Exports the list of reasons.

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Shows a print preview of the list of reasons.

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Reason granted to a user to perform stock quantity adjustment. 

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