Importing data to the Price Book (old version)

There are three steps to importing data:

Creating an import definition

You must create an import definition before you can import data. If you already have an import definition, you can skip to the next step.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Import/Export. The Import/Export Definitions list opens.
  2. In the definitions list, select Price Book, then click Copy to create a new definition.
  3. Enter a name for your definition. Usually this will be the name of the supplier (e.g. "Brother Price List").
  4. Check that the category and data type are correct. For price book imports, the category must be Products and the data type must be Price Book.
  5. Select the format of the file you want to import. This can be either CSV, XLS or XLSX.
  6. Select the sheet within the import file where the data is located. (You do not need to do this for CSV files.)

     Show me an example
    The data you want to import is in the second sheet. In this case, you would need to enter 2 in the Sheet field.
  7. Select the row where the data begins. This allows you to skip over any header rows. (You do not need to do this for CSV files.)

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    In this example, there are three rows of headings, and the data begins in row 4.


    In this case, you would need to enter 4 in the Start At Row field.


  8. Set up the fields to import:
    • Column Number is the order in which the columns appear in the import file.
    • Caption is the column heading in the import file.
    • Property is the name of the field within Readysell where you want the data to be imported. This is case sensitive and does not include spaces. For example, the Product ID field is entered as "ProductID".
    • Data Type is the type of data in the field. This will usually be String (for text fields) or Decimal (for currency).
  9. If you want to enter the same data for every row in your spreadsheet, you can use the Static Value field. 

     Show me an example

    In this example, the Status will be set to "Active" for every product that is imported.


    Because the status does not appear anywhere in the import file, the column number has been set to 0.


    There is no limit to the number of static values you can have for an import, and you can have more than one column with number 0. (You cannot have more than one column for any other number.)

  10. Select the key for your import. The key should be a field that is unique for each row - usually this will be the Product ID. You can have more than one key, but you must have at least one.
  11. Specify which columns are required. If you mark a column as required, then Readysell will only import rows where that column is filled in. If the column is empty, the row will not be imported.
  12. If there are any columns in the list, you can either delete them (by selecting them and clicking Delete) or check the Ignore checkbox.
  13. Once you have finished, click Save and Close.

Importing data

Once you have set up the import definition, you can use it to import data. If you have already set up the import definition, you can start at this step.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Import/Export. The Import/Export Definitions list opens.
  2. In the definitions list, select the definition you want to run.
  3. Click Import Data in the ribbon.
  4. Readysell will display a file dialog box. Locate the file you want to import, then click Open.

     Show me how

    This is a standard Windows file dialog box.


    Navigate to the location of the data file you want to import, then click Open to open the file.


    If you cannot find the file you are looking for, check the location. You may also need to choose a different import/export format.

    Readysell will import the data contained in that file, and then display a confirmation message.

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    The confirmation message shows the time took to complete the import, and the number of records that were updated.
    (Price Book imports will never create new records.)

    If the number of updated records is 0, your import has failed, and you will need to check your import definition before trying again.

  5. Click OK in the confirmation message to complete the import.

Extracting and posting data

  1. In the navigation pane, go to Inventory then Price Book Run.
  2. Click New to create a new run.
  3. Enter a name for the run.
  4. Click Extract. The Extract Price Book Run window opens.
  5. In the Price Book Run Set field, select the supplier matching the data you have imported.
    Readysell will fill in the information that has already been entered for this supplier.
  6. In the Settings tab, select which fields you want to update:
  7. In the Product Filters section, select the supplier for whom you are importing data.
  8. Optionally: in the Price Level Mapping tab, select the price levels you want to update. If you don't want to update price levels, you can skip this step.
  9. In the Match On tab, specify the way that you want to match data.
  10. When you have finished, click OK. Readysell will extract the data from the price book.
  11. Check that the information in the window is what you expect. If there are extra lines, you can delete them by selecting them in the list and clicking Delete.
  12. Once you have finished, click Post to update the product file with your imported data.