

This feature is not available in Readysell Lite. 

This shows exchange rates between the Australian dollar and other currencies. Data is extracted from Readysell's web link and is updated automatically every night: you should not update this yourself.

Viewing and Updating currencies and exchange rates

  1. In the navigation panel, go to Administration then Advanced.
  2. Click on Currencies. The Currencies browse window displays.
  3. Click on a currency to see its exchange rate.

     Show me

4. Readysell Task can do the update by using API from : https://app.currencyapi.com/

  • Register for free account
  • Get the API key

  • Insert the API key in Readysell Task : Update Exchange Rates 

    CurrencyapiQuota is information only how many free auto update left from this API allow to use

  • Readysell Currency Code should match code in Currency API code to allow auto update ( https://currencyapi.com/docs/currency-list )
    and also Auto update should be ON

  • Run Task to get latest rate from API 
    Before :

    After :

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