Copy to contract function in a sale order/quote

There is a Copy to Contract button on Sales Orders / Sales Quotes modules

  1. Create your New sale or New Quote

  2. Add in the products and click on save.
    You must change the pricing on the sales lines for the products to be different to what the original price is on the product in order for it to be added to the contract

  3. Click on the button Save

  4. Click on the button Copy to Contract action button

  5. The products from the sale will transfer across into the tab Individual Products on the contract if the price is different to the price level assigned to the customer.

  6. Only the lines where you have changed the price will come across.

  7. If you are charging the same price as what is on the product, that product will not be added to the contract automatically and you will then have to manually add those products and pricing into the contract

  8. Change the Name of the contract to be something that is unique to this contract (do not call it the same as the customer’s Card ID or Name as it will cause issues for any web integration)

  9. Review/change the Start Date and the End Date on the contract header

  10. Review the product lines and pricing

  11. Review the customer/s on this contract (do not fill in any dates on the customer cards on this contract)

  12. Once you are happy with the contract, change the Workflow Status to be Active

  13. Click on button Save and Close

  14. Always test out the contract on a new sales order to make sure the contract is working as it should.