Web Order has arrived in Readysell with wrong pricing on it

  1. Is the price contracted?

    1. Make sure that the contract exists in Readysell, if so - that the contract is Active and check it was sent to the website.  (If it's not sent to the website, does it meet the rules of contract integration?  Does the customer have a Web Customer Name in Readysell?)

  2. If the contract does exist, does it show in Web Admin?

    1. ​Are there any duplicate contracts for that product on the web, open each existing contract that is active on the web and make sure the product is contracted at a different price on a different contract.

    2. Log onto Web Admin, find the customer, click on the number of contracts, filter to show only Active contracts and review them but showing their summary.

  3. Documentation links:

    1. Contract integration rules: https://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RSELL/pages/12386413

    2. Checking contract makes it to the web: https://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RSELL/pages/25133849

  4. If no contract, does the price in Readysell on the product match the price on the web?

    1. If not: use documentation to troubleshoot this: https://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RSELL/pages/596836359