Scan checking purchase receipt lines without a matching purchase order line


You have to take some special precautions if you are scan checking any lines on a purchase receipt where that line is not on a matching purchase order. This applies when:

  • You are scan checking into a purchase receipt and the purchase receipt has been created with the "New" button and is not for a purchase order
  • When you are adding new lines to a purchase receipt that is from a purchase order, but where the new line is for a product that was not on the purchase order

In both the cases above, the system does not have an existing purchase order quantity to scan check against. So you have to take care with the order you enter information.


When you purchase receipt line does not have a purchase order:

  • If you want to type a value onto the line. Even if you scanned the line in to create the line, you have to either:
    • type in the quantity that you expect to receive before you change the value of the line. For example scan the line once, type 12 in the quantity received then type in the value you want. This is probably the easiest way to handle the problem
    • or type in the price instead of the value. Typing in the price will work. As the price does not depend on the quantity received.. 
    • or scan in all the quantities but ignore the values, accept the variances, then type in the values after you have accepted the variances

The reason being, since there is no purchase order, the system does not know the quantity received. So when you type in the value, the system does not know what to divide the value by in order to work out the price. The price on the line is wrong right away, but you don't notice the issue until you click on accept variance. To put it another way, if you can in a line and scan checking is on, the quantity received will be zero until you accept the variance. This stops you from typing in a value and getting the right price.

We recommend you scan a product into a receipt then try changing the value then accepting the variance. You will probably note that when you change the value the price does not change. As price is value/quantity received. Then when you accept the variance, the value goes to zero. As the value is quantity received * price and the price is zero.