
Once you have your dead stock under control, you need to get a finer understanding of your live stock.  Not all live stock is the same.  Some live stock is core range, other live stock is less important, such as Endless Isle (Extended Range) stock.  Getting a better understanding of your stock can help you get the most of of the money you have tied up in stock.


Select Inventory then Products from the Navigation panel.  Then from the Product list view, create a series of view variants to help you better understand your stock:

[Status] = 'Discontinued' And [Qty on Hand] > 0.0m

[Catalogue Lines][].Count() = 0 And [Category.Category Type] = 'Stock control products' And [Qty on Hand] > 0.0m

[Catalogue Product] = False And [Catalogue Lines][[Catalogue.Catalogue ID] = 'WEB01'].Count() = 0 And [Category.Category Type] = 'Stock control products' And [Qty on Hand] > 0.0m

[Catalogue Lines][[Catalogue.Catalogue ID] = 'WEB01'].Count() > 0 And [Category.Category Type] = 'Stock control products' And [Qty on Hand] > 0.0m

[Catalogue Product] = True And [Category.Category Type] = 'Stock control products' And [Qty on Hand] > 0.0m

[Catalogue Product] = False And [Catalogue Lines][[Catalogue.Catalogue ID] = 'WEB01'].Count() > 0 And [Catalogue Lines][[Catalogue.Catalogue ID] = 'CC08''].Count() > 0 And [Category.Category Type] = 'Stock control products' And [Qty on Hand] > 0.0m