Configuring/Pairing Opticon OPN2005 Barcode Scanners

  1. Turn on Bluetooth mode on the tablet
  2. There is a quick start guide paper with barcodes. 
  3. Scan Step 1
  4. Hold the Clear/ Function key for about five seconds, until it beeps and the LED begins flashing blue
  5. On your tablet/ phone go to the bluetooth settings and scan for devices
  6. Have it discover your OPN2005, select the OPN2005.
  7. Once chosen, the OPN2005's laser will light up and you will hear a steady beep.
  8. Your OPN2005 is now paired and connected. The LED blinks blue slowly to indicate a connection is active and working. 

    If for any reasons your OPN2005 becomes disconnected with your other device (e.g., host device goes into sleep mode, battery loss), you can simply hold the scan key for five seconds to re-establish the connection

Readysell to configure file paths for Signature images used on the mobile app

  1. Open Readysell Windows version then click on Tools>Images Folder
  2. To see the Signatures file path click back on the folder there will be a list of folders e.g., ABA, Attachments, ProductImages, Signatures
  3. The file path you need is the Signatures e.g., \\Servername\Readysell.Files\Signatures
  4. From the Navigation panel click on Administration>Advanced>System Types then click on FILE-PATH 
  5. Locate Code SIGNATURE-IMAGES then key into the Value the file path name

  6. Click on Save.
  7. Click on Tools then Restart Service to effect the change.


Configuration of Stock