
Supplier trial balance (summary) provides you with details on what each of your suppliers owe you, showing current, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 day and the overall total. 

Image of report result

Running the report

  1. In the Navigation panel, go to Reports>Form Reports.
  2. In the list of reports find the category Cards and then select Supplier Trial Balance (Summary) F-019
  3. Highlight the report and in the detail area click on the action button 'Show Report using Parameters'

  4. A supplier trial balance parameters window will appear

  5. Enter the date that your require. 
  6. Start Supplier and End Supplier fields
    1. If you require all Suppliers leave both fields blank
    2. If you require 1 Supplier key in same Supplier id into both fields
    3. If you require specific range of Suppliers based on Supplier id enter start Supplier and end Supplier for that range. 
  7. Click OK and report runs
  8. Result appears as above image.

Use Case

Its end of month and your accounts staff want to check the accounts that are overdue by 60 days or more, run the above report for these results and highlight the ones you want chased up.