
The Product Sites tab window contains information about inventory and sites.



Available filters for this list:




The site. There will usually be one entry per site in this list.  Whichever one is highlighted is what the information below on the Quantities tab will represent

Quantity on Hand

The quantity of this item that is available at this site including stock that has been allocated.

Qty on Hand by Sell UnitThe quantity of this item that is available at this site by sell unit. This displays in decimal point.

Net Quantity on Hand

The total number of products currently on hand. This includes all stock, including allocated, quarantined, etc.


 If Stock allocation is turned ON           

NetQuantityOnHand = QuantityAvailable - QuantityOnSalesBackOrder - QuantityOnServiceBackOrder + QuantityOnOutstandingPurchaseOrders + QuantityOnTransferIn + QuantityOnTransferPending

If Stock allocation is turned OFF           

NetQuantityOnHand = QuantityOnHand - QuantityOnSalesBackOrder - QuantityOnServiceBackOrder - QuantityOnLayBy - QuantityOnTransferPick + QuantityOnOutstandingPurchaseOrders + QuantityOnTransferIn + QuantityOnTransferPending 

Quantity Available

If Stock allocation is turned ON

QuantityAvailable = QuantityOnHand - QuantityOnTransferOut - QuantityOnTransferPick - QuantityOnLayBy - QuantityAllocated;
If Stock allocation is turned OFF

QuantityAvailable = QuantityOnHand - QuantityOnTransferOut - QuantityOnTransferPick - QuantityOnLayBy - QuantityOnSaleOrder;

Sales Value Ex Tax

The sales value of all stock of this product at this site, excluding tax.

Stock Waiting

Stock on a Sale Order\Service Order where the supply type on a Sale Order\Service Order is set to waiting usually due to either

  • manually changing the supply type to Waiting
  • or from clicking on Purchase to purchase the stock on the order 
  • or setting the ship after date to a future date

Sales Value Inc Tax

The sales value of all stock of this product at this site, including tax. The number of days to use in product sales calculations can be changed using the Set Date Range button on the top ribbon on Products.

Sales Quantity

The quantity of the product sold during the currently specified time period (Set Date Range button on top ribbon).

General tab



Gross Profit % Today

Ratio of the Margin to Value ex Tax as a percentage.
The formula for GP % is = Margin Divided by Value ex Times 100

Gross Profit % Overall

The gross profit searches for all sale order\ Service order lines and sums up all the Value Ex Tax Ordered and Cost Ex Tax Ordered.
The formula is Overall for all Sale for this particular products Sum(Margin\Value ex) times 100

Min Reorder Quantity

When using the min/max reordering method, purchase runs identifies the need to reorder the product using the Minimum Reorder Quantity. Where the net stock on hand for the product is less than or equal to the minimum reorder quantity.

Max Reorder Quantity

When using the min/max reordering method, purchase runs calculates the quantity to reorder by subtracting the net stock on hand from the Maximum reorder quantity. The result is then rounded to a multiple of the product supplier's minimum order quantity.

Locations tab

A single product can be stored in many locations within the site. The product locations list shows all locations where the product is currently being stored. It also shows the quantity at each location.

Each physical location within a site can be represented by a location in Readysell.



ProductThe products ID and name
SiteThe site location of item


The name of the location.

Supply Type

The way in which stock is allocated to sales from that location. For example, you may have a specific location for quarantined stock.

Quantity On Hand

The amount of stock on hand at this location.

Qty on Hand by Sell UnitThe quantity of this item that is available at this site by sell unit. This displays in decimal point.

Old Quantity On Hand

The previous quantity on hand before the last stocktake.

Minimum Replenishment Quantity

Used to replenish stock between bulk and pick locations. Such as when automatically replacing parts used on a truck.

Initial Quantity On Hand

Initial quantity on hand at the start of the stocktake.

Maximum Replenishment Quantity

Used to replenish stock between bulk and pick locations. Such as when automatically replacing parts used on a truck.


Checked if the stock has been counted.

Is Primary

Checked if this is the primary location for this product. The system sets the primary location to be the location with the most stock in the site for that product.

Qty Unallocated SaleShipmentQty on "In progress" sale shipment that was not allocated by the system e.g., for shipment created manually from order with Supply Type = Ignore lines or standalone shipment

Quantities tab

This tab shows you the numbers of this product at this location that meet particular criteria.

(Note: these quantity descriptions also apply when looking at a sales order and service order)



On Hand

The total number of products on hand (inclusive of those allocated) for the site.

Net On Hand

The total number of products on hand for the site, excluding allocated stock.

Service Back Order

The total quantity on back order from service orders for the site.

Sale Back Order

The total quantity on back order from sales orders for the site.

Transfer In

The total quantity waiting to be transferred in to the site.

Transfer Out

The total quantity already transferred out of the site, but not yet receipted by the transfer to site.

Transfer Pending

The total quantity in outstanding transfers that have not yet been picked for the site.

Transfer Pick

The total quantity in outstanding transfers that is currently being picked for the site.

Purchase Order

The total number of products that are on an outstanding purchase order for the site. (note: that if a product was purchased from a sale and the supplier has part supplied the drop ship purchase order, the remainder of outstanding stock on order will not show in this field as the supplier has it on back order, the goods are going directly to the customer so it is the customer that monitors the outstanding stock still waiting to be sent to them from the supplier.


The total number of products that are on lay-by not finalised for the site.


The total number of products that are allocated to any sale or service orders for the site.

  • The stock is allocated to the sales order/service order (no sale shipment linked as yet to the sales order)
  • There may be a sale shipment linked to the sales order and that sale shipment (status of Open) has not yet had the button clicked on for Pick (pick sends the status to In Progress and removes the allocated qty from the sales order placing it on to Qty On Shipments)


The total number of products that are actually available to be allocated to a sale or service order for the site.  (Excludes stock that has already been allocated to other service and sales orders)

Stock Waiting

The total number of products on a sale or service order where the supply type on the order is set to waiting, therefore not shipping the stock until after a pre-defined date to the future.  See above towards the top of this page for further explanation

On ShipmentsThe total number of products that are on in-progress sale shipments for the site.  There will be no allocated stock qty to the sales order until more stock comes in after the shipment is in progress.
In QuarantineThe total number of products on hand for the site that are stocked in a location marked as quarantine.
On Sale Order

The total number of products that are on an outstanding sale orders for the site.  This includes any Supply Type on the product.

if the product has a supply type of Ignore, instock or priority, they do not have a field of their own.  Therefore they may not show up in any other field to show where the qty on sale order comes from.  The Show Breakdown also does not take you straight to what is on sales order if it is not allocated.  In that case you will need a query/filter for the Sales Orders window to show this.

i.e. Open up sales orders, select filter at the top to show all outstanding sales orders, in the list of sales orders, right click on the header and click on Filter Editor and create the following filter:

You will need to change the product code at the right of the "Product equals" line to be the product you wish to view the sales orders for.

Movements tab

This tab shows the movements for products from the selected site. You can view the entries sorted by creation date or transaction date.
You can drop and drag extracts fields by right clicking and select 'Column Chooser'

Readysell recommends for a true stock figure from the product site movements view, ensure these fields are on the detail view -  Balance, Extracted (set to Unchecked), Qty, Qtyonhand, TransactionType, Transactionnumber,CostEx, 
FIFO reduces the Balance on all Positive Stock movements.  See link to FIFO CostingHow Readysell FIFO first in first out costing works in your business




The date that the movement took place. Depending on your filter settings, this will be either creation date or transaction date.
If the date is 01/01/1900 that relates to the first imported position for that product with a qty and qtyonhand and cost.
The Imported flagged will be set to False. 


The financial period when the transaction took place.


The transaction type.  If the transaction type is Blank, that stands for imported data from your previous system.

PURREC - Is a Purchase Receipt - Is created when you receive stock either from hitting the Receive button on a purchase order and finalising/completing it, or by going to purchase receipts and creating a new purchase receipt and finalising/completing it
SALSHP - Is a Sale Shipment - A shipment/picking slip window can be manually created by a POS sale and finalising/completing it, or creating a new sale shipment and finalising/completing it or by hitting Ship button on the sale order and finalising/completing it
SALRET - Is a Sale Return - Where a customer product return is generated from a sale shipment by hitting the Credit button on the posted sale shipment window and finalising/completing that sale return
SALWSH - Is a Web Sale Shipment
STKAUT - Is an Auto Stock Adjustment - Where stock had no stock on hand at the time of sale, stock required for sale is auto written on and sold at time of sale (requires workstation to be set up for auto stock adjustments)
STKDIS - Is a Supplier Dispatch - Where a supplier credit is generated from an existing purchase receipt by hitting the Credit button on the purchase receipt window and finalising/completing it
STKLTA - Is a Stock Location Transfer - Where someone has processed a Stock Location Transfer to move stock from one location to another
STKQTY - Is a stock quantity adjustment - When someone manually writes stock on or off and Finalises that stock qty adjustment
STKTAK - Is a Stocktake - Where the product has been placed on a stocktake and counted/not counted and the stocktake has been Finalised

Transaction Number

The number for the transaction.


The name of the card associated with this transaction.


The quantity of products moved. If a qty is in negative, then stock has been reduced. If a qty is in positive then stock has been increased

Quantity on Hand

The quantity of product on hand after the transaction has been finalised


The location of the product.

ExtractedAlways populate this field onto the detail view.  Select Unchecked. If this field is selected as 'checked' you will see only a history of the movements imported. Unchecked movements have no affect of the qtyonhand . If you set the extracted field to be 'unchecked' you will see the imported starting movement dated 01/01/1900 and any transaction there after.
BalanceIf you need to set the remaining stock on hand for that product for that site, you populate this field onto the window.
Value on Hand

EachCostExQty x Each cost price 
ValueextaxQty x cost (fifo cost at the time)

Purchase Run Items tab

This tab shows the purchase run for products from the selected site.

DateDate and time of the Purchase run
QtyQty on purchase run
Product UnitItem product unit
Qty On HandQty on hand
Unit Price Ex TaxThe unit price excluding tax
Value Ex TaxThe total value excluding tax
Value Inc TaxThe total value including tax
Lead TimeProduct order lead time
Qty of Weekly Unit ShipmentsQuantity of weekly unit shipments
Calculated Stock RequiredCalculated stock required
Net Qty on HandThe net quantity on hand
Stock RequiredStock required for this item

Checking stock and back order status for a product at a site