If you highlight and select many products to delete at once. If any of the products you select can't be deleted. Then Readysell will display an error message and will not delete any of the selected products. If you have a lot of products to delete, try deleting them in small groups. In the alternative, you can check and find the ones that have had transactions using the instructions shown below. Then don't select those products for delete, change their status to archived. You can also reverse the instructions below to find only the products you can delete, delete those, then archive the rest. |
From the Navigation panel click 'Inventory' then 'Products'.
Set up a View Variant and save it
[Product Sites][[Product Movements][].Count() > 0].Count() = 0 And [Primary Product Supplier.Supplier.Card ID] = 'accaus' |
Identify all the products for that one supplier
Check the results for the supplier selected with no movements. If there is no quantity on hand at all and no movements, and the products are not linked to a Catalgoue, highlight all the products and click on 'Delete'. |