Updating a contract will set the status on the old contract to be Closed.  The new version of the contract maintains the original start and end date from original version (version 1) of the contract and increment the contract version number every time you select to create a New Version of it.

  1. In the navigation panel, go to Relationships then Contracts.
  2. Select the contract you wish to update.
  3. Click New Version. The Contract window displays with the existing contract's information. 

    If you click on Close Contract the Contract will remove from the sale when you make changes. If you intend on creating a new version of the existing contract do NOT hit the close contract button. Always use the New Version Button

  4. Make changes as necessary. You can change any field on this screen For example:
  5. When you have finished, click Save to save the changes and leave the contract on the screen, or Save and Close to save the contract and close it off your screen.