
This is the average count per month for this machine since the machine start date if the install date is empty. If the install date has a value, then the average meter count includes all counts up to the install date.

The moment you set an install date or change an install date, the average should recalculate.
If the install date is greater than the last meter count, then the average resets to zero.


The first time around that a machine is created for an original customer nothing needs to be done. Just ensure that there is a start date on the Machine.
When you sell this machine to another customer then you need to ensure that you insert the date that the machine has been sold to another customer on the field ‘Install Date’ which in on the General tab of the machine.

The calculation is as follows:

If the install date is empty the calculation would consider all counts for this machine from the start date.
If the install date has a date in it the calculation would consider all counts from the install date.

Formula to calculate the number of days: