Follow these steps when you receive a receipt/invoice from a supplier for a purchase order you have placed.

  1. Double click on "Relationships" from the Navigation panel
  2. Double click on "Sales" (if it is not already open)
  3. Click on "Orders"
  4. Key in the "Transaction Number" and search for the one you are receiving in (if you don't have the transaction number you can search based on the Customer name instead)
  5. Click on it to select it
  6. Click on tab "Purchases", it shows the purchase order that was created for that sales order
  7. Click on it to select it
  8. Click on "Show Transaction"
  10. Then click on "Receive"
  11. Do not click into the Supplier field - the supplier has already been selected and you do not need to change this.
  12. Go through purchase receipt checking off products and quantities and cost pricing
  13. Make sure the "Value Inc Tax" is the same as the invoice value from the Supplier
  14. Click on "Complete" button
  15. Key in the suppliers "Invoice Number"
  16. Adjust suppliers invoice "Date" if required
  17. Click on "OK"
  18. The receipt is completed

Partially receiving the Purchase Order

  1. Double click on "Relationships" from the Navigation panel
  2. Double click on "Sales" (if it is not already open)
  3. Click on "Orders"
  4. Key in the "Transaction Number" and search for the one you are receiving in (if you don't have the transaction number you can search based on the Customer name instead)
  5. Click on it to select it
  6. Click on tab "Purchases", it shows the purchase order that was created for that sales order
  7. Click on it to select it
  8. Click on "Show Transaction"
  10. Then click on "Receive"
  11. Go through purchase receipt checking off products and quantities and cost pricing.  If the quantity changes, the system will remember the next time around for the receipt the quantity still outstanding.
  12. Make sure the "Value Inc Tax" is the same as the invoice value from the Supplier
  13. Click on "Complete" button
  14. Key in the suppliers "Invoice Number"
  15. Adjust suppliers invoice "Date" if required
  16. Click on "OK"
  17. The repeat the process of step 1 through to 15, when you click on "Receive" (step 9) it will show you the quantity of stock still outstanding.