
Getting Started



Refer to Common Buttons.

InvoiceCreates an invoice from this receipt
CorrectCorrect data on this receipt and post to general ledger


TypeThis is the transaction type for this purchase receipt
NumberThe unique transaction number for this Purchase Receipt
StatusThe transaction's current status
DateThe date and time of creation of Purchase Receipt
SupplierThis is the supplier for this purchase receipt
SiteThe site that this purchase receipt is for where stock will be affected
Tax ValueThe tax value received for the purchase receipt
Value Inc TaxThis is the value inc tax for the purchase receipt
Purchase OrderThis is the original Readysell purchase order number for this purchase receipt
Workflow StatusThe workflow status of the purchase receipt.  General not changed or selected but can be used if required.
PickerThe person who is going to check the stock and put the stock away.  You do not have to fill this in, use it only if you require it to be used.

Lines Tab

ProductThe product Id/code
Product NameThe name/description of the product on that line
QtyThe quantity of stock received for this line based on the Unit
Qty ExpectedThe quantity outstanding that pulls from the purchase order based on whether any of the stock has already been received or not
UnitThe unit you purchase and receive it in as
Unit Quantity on HandThe quantity on hand figure 
LocationThis defaults to the current product location.  You can update the location and receive the stock to a new location
Price ExThis is the unit price ex gst for the line of the product
Price IncThis is the unit price inc gst for the line of the product
Value ExThe total value ex gst for the line of the product
TaxThe tax applied to the product. This value is automatically calculated based on the tax codes of the product and supplier cards
Value IncThe total value inc tax ordered for this line of product
NotesThis is a check box that will on flag if there is a line note attached to this product line on the line notes tab at the bottom of the screen

Line Details

Unit Qty ScannedThis field shows the unit quantity scanned during scan checking for this line.  Stays at zero if scan checking was not enabled
Unit QOHWhat the unit quantity on hand is for the product line selected above
Qty On HandWhat the quantity on hand is for the product line selected above
Tax CodeShows the tax code for the product line selected above
Supply TypeThe supply type for the product line selected above
Reason For CreditIf this line of product is credited, the reason for the credit of this line of product

Line Notes tab

blank text fieldProvided you have selected a line of product on the purchase receipt to attach a note to, you can key in any related note, colour the font, highlight the font, make is larger/smaller, etc.  This will then print on the order or receipt.

Internal Notes tab

blank text fieldProvided you have selected a line of product on the Purchase receipt to attach a note to, you can key in any related note, colour the font, highlight the font, make is larger/smaller, etc.  This will only print on the order or receipt NOT for the supplier .

Serial Numbers

NumberThe serial number/s to be recorded for this line of product
Account SiteThe account site for this dissection
Debit ValueThe debit value of the dissection
Credit ValueThe field shows the credit value for this dissection
NarrativeThe narrative for the dissection
DescriptionThis field contains a description of the dissection


LocationThe location for this stock movement
QuantityThe quantity of products being moved on this receipt
Original Each Cost Ex TaxThe original cost of each item
Each Cost Ex TaxThe each cost ex tax of each item
Value Ex TaxThe total value ex tax of the product

General Tab

PeriodThe period the purchase receipt is created in, this is pre populated.
Purchase InvoiceThe purchase invoice number for this purchase receipt if the receipt is completed (stock and dollar value of invoice)
Sale ShipmentThe sale shipment/s the purchase receipt is for
Value Ex TaxThe Value ex tax of the receipt

Supplier Credits For

Transaction NumberThe transaction number of the supplier credit request that relates back to the receipt
CustomerThe customer (if any) related back to the supplier credit request
ManufacturerThe manufacturer for this supplier credit request
Charge ToThe charge to of this supplier credit request
Value Inc Tax OrderedThe total value inc tax ordered for the supplier credit request
Value Inc Tax Back OrderedThe total value inc tax back ordered for the supplier credit request
Percent AllocatedThe percentage allocated for the supplier credit request