Territories are used to define which areas are assigned to groups of users. This can be done for sales persons salespersons and for technicians. Performance reporting depends on sales persons salespersons and technicians being assigned to the right territory. Summary performance reports can be produced by grouping together the the results for groups of sales persons salespersons or groups of technicians.
Note |
This feature is not available in Readysell Lite. |
Warning |
Once you have assigned users that are technicians or sales persons salespersons to a territory, more setup is required to get performance reporting to work:
Note |
You can run analysis reports that show the territory (and sales personsalesperson) that applied to transactions at the time the transaction happened and also the territory/sales person salesperson now. Analysis reports can show the difference. It is sometimes useful to see how your territories and sales persons salespersons have changed over time. Also to compare historical vs current territory sales analysis. Territories are particularly useful for business development reports. As they give you another dimension to look at your transaction history in addition to a salesperson. |
Sales Reporting Overview
If you were setting up sales reporting from scratch. You would proceed as follows:
- Create a user in the user list for every salesperson and check the "salesperson" checkbox on those users.
- Create a territory in the territory list for every sales territory and check the "is salesperson" checkbox on those territories. You may include users being salespersons on a list attached to the territory. That list is only stored on the territory and is not copied onto transactions. So you can only make use of the current list of users on the territory. The system does not retail which users used to be on territories at any point in the past.
- Create the customers you need. Then for each customer fill in the sales territory and primary sales person on the customer settings tab>sales reporting tab
- Then as you process sales orders and/or service orders specify a customer. The primary salesperson from the customer card, if any, is copied to the sale order
- When the orders are shipped or invoiced. The sales order salesperson (not the customer's primary salesperson) is copied from the sale order. Also, the cards sale territory is copied from the card where there is a card on the shipment or invoice and the card has a sales territory at the time the shipment or invoice is created
- Each night a refresh cubes task runs in the background and compresses sales history figures from the sale invoices (or shipments) based on the salesperson on the transaction (not the card primary salesperson) and territory (not the card territory on the card ) on those transactions
- If you want to run a report on sales based on salesperson or territory :
- If you run the report from sale invoices or sale invoice lines. You can break up your sales based on the current primary salesperson and sales territory on cards. By totalling on the customer. territory and customer.primary sales person or you can break up your report based on the historical territory and sales person at the time the invoice was completed. By totalling on sale invoice.territory and sale invoice.salesperson
- If you run a report using cubed data. You are always reporting on the historical salesperson and territory that was in place at the time the transactions were completed, not based on the primary salesperson (from the card)now, which may be different.
- Sales reports can be run from the invoice list, list reports, and analysis reports. In all cases, those reports are based on the rules above.
Getting started with territories
Name | Description |
Code | The territory code, for example remote, north, south, nswNSW |
Description | A description of the territory |
Is Technician | Must be checked if this territory is to be assigned to technicians |
Is Sales Person | Must be checked if this territory is to be assigned to sales personssalespersons |
User Tab
Name | Description |
User | The technician and/or sales person salesperson that is being assigned to this territory. Users can be in more than one territory |
Default Sales Person | The defaut default sales person |
Default Technician | The default technician |