Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Sale runs allow you to reproduce sale shipments for customers on a regular basis. This is ideally suited to fixed non-stock charges like service fees.The process creates sale shipments not sale orders, so it does not suit cases where stock needs to be back ordered regularly. If stock does need to be back orders. You can click a button on the sale shipment to create a sale order. The sale order will track the back order quantity.


This feature is not available in Readysell Lite. 

Getting Started

Child pages (Children Display)
pageGetting started with sale runs


Refer to Common Buttons.


Image Modified

Extract CustomersExtract a list of customers for htis sale runthis sale run

Image Added

Generate InvoicesGenerate the Invoices for this sales run depending upon the Sale Run Type. 
Image AddedPrint InvoicesYou can choose to Print All Invoices or Unemailable Invoices
Image AddedGenerate Email BatchIf the contact settings on the Customers Card are set up correctly you can send invoices via this email batch.


Type SALRUN (Sale Run). Transaction type
Number Unique transaction number generated by the system
Status Position of the transaction, OPEN, POSTED, INPROGRESS 
Date Date on the Sale Run. This is the date that the system will use when you generate a Invoice
Description Best describes the Sales run
Sale Run Type
  • Once Off - Manual process 
  • Recurring Manual (You can generate a new set of invoices at any time)
  • Recurring Automatic (You set up the recurrence schedule and then a nightly task runs "Generate Recurring Transactions" to execute a sale run when necessary)
Workflow Status Sale Run Set  Active or Inactive
Sale Run SetThe name of the Sale Run Set templated used
Last Run ForThe date the sale run was to run for based upon the settings on the General Tab
Last Run ActualThe date the sales run actually ran (date created) based upon the settings on the general tab and weekend handling
Combine Charge ToIf this tick is ON and you have a range of customers with the same Charge to Cardid on the Card itself, the system will create a single shipment/invoice for each chargeto customer in that sale run

Lines Tab

Product Product to be Invoiced on the Sale Run 
Name Name of the product 
Qty Quantity to be invoiced 
Unit Unit of measure for the product  
Unit Quantity On Hand Stock on hand
Price Ex Price Ex GST 
Price Inc Price Inc GST 
Disc Discount percentage if applied 
Tax Code Tax Code on the product
Tax Value Value of tax 


TenderAbility to set a default tender to the run
ValueTotal Value of each product line to be invoiced 

Line Details Tab

Value Ex Tax Value ex tax of each line 
Discount Value Discount value if applied 
Unit Tax Each Tax 
Unit Cost Ex Tax Each cost 
Cost Ex Tax Cost ex tax on the product 
Unit Quantity On Hand Unit Quantity on hand 
Margin Value Ex-Cost-Tax
Margin Percent Margin/Cost * 100 
Gross Profit Percent 
Price Code 


Margin/Valueex * 100


You can add individual Notes to the Customer card. 

Customers Tab

Customer Cardid
VAlue Value Ex Tax Value Ex Tax
Value Inc Tax Value Inc Tax

Product ProductID
Name Product Name
Qty Qty to be invoiced
Unit Unit of measure
Unit Quantity on Hand Unit quantity on hand
Price Ex Price Ex tax 
Price Inc Price Inc Tax 
Disc Discount Percent if applied 
Tax Code Tax code from the product 
Tax Value Tax Value
Value Notes Value Inc 

Item Details tab

Value Ex Tax Line Value Ex Tax
Discount Value Line Value Discount
Unit Tax Line Value Unit Tax
Unit Cost Ex tax Line Value Unit cost ex tax
Cost Ex Tax Line Value Cost Ex Tax
Unit Quantity On Hand Quantity on hand for that line product
Margin Line Value Margin (ValueEx - Cost- Tax)
Margin Percent Line Value Margin Percent (Margin/Cost * 100)
Gross Profit Percent Line Value Gross Profit (Margin/Valueex * 100)
Price Code Price code that applies to that line

Notes tab

General Tab

Site Default site
Period Derived from the date entered
Value Ex Tax Total Value Ex for the entire Sale Run
Value Inc Tax Total Value Inc for the entrie Sale Run
Printed If the tick is Off then the Invoices have not been printed. If the Tick is On then the invoices have been printed 
Email Batch Generated If the tick is ON then the email batch has been generated and visa versa
Recur January Every WeekWill recur every week
Recur February Every MonthWill recur every month
Recur March 
Recur April 
Recur May 
Recur June 
Recur July 
Recur August 
Recur September 
Recur October 
Recur November 
Recur December 
Recur Day Of Month 
Recur Until 
FromThe commence date as to which you will like the sale run to commence
Recur UntilThe end date as to which you want the sale run to end
Recur PeriodThis field specifies after how many weeks or months the sale run should execute
Weekend HandlingHow to handle cases where the scheduled date falls on a weekend



Customer Cardid
Transaction Number Shipment Number
Date Date of the Shipment
Status Status of the Shipment should be POSTED
Order Usually blank
Order Invoice Sales Invoices number generated from the shipment


Value Inc of the Invoice