The 'REVERSE' Button works the same
way in every module.
reversed transactions writes the word 'Reverse' in the description field and this reversal is linked back to the original transaction.
The system will not allow you to reversed any transactions that generates a banking. If a banking is part of a bankrec you will not be able to reverse it if the Bank Reconciliation has been finalised.
Using the reverse button
The Reverse button is available in the following modules.
- Reversing Customer Debits
- Reversing Customer Credits
- Reverseing Reversing Customer Payments
- Reversing Supplier Debits
- Reversing Supplier Credits
- Reversing Supplier Payments
- Reverse Bank Deposit
- Reversse Reverse Bank Payments
- General Ledger Manual Journal
- Sales Shipment from a Sales Order and a Sales Shipment from a Meter Count Run Shipment
- Price book runsPurchase Receipts
- Mass update runs
Purchase Receipts
Warning To reverse a Invoice you must reverse the shipment first. Reversing the shipment reverses the Invoice! If you want to reverse a sale invoice, reverse a shipment that is the source of the sale invoice.
Note There is a hidden reverse button on sale invoices. But we hide the button. Because a lot of users get mixed up between reversing sale invoices and reversing sale shipments. Since reversing a shipment reversed any invoice related to the shipment. Encouraging users to use the sale shipment reverse button to reverse sale invoices is the best practice for most sites.
Example of the use of the 'REVERSE' Button
, Reversing a Customer Payment
Ensure you open up the financial period if the transaction is in a closed period.
- Click on RelationshipsClick the click on card Card
- Search and highlight the card in question
- Click on Status Button
- Click on Customer Open Items Button
- Find the Customer Payment
- Highlight it and click on 'Show Source Record'
- Click on the 'Reverse' button
- The system will prompt you for a date. Usually you accept the date as the date of the reversal should be the date of the oriignal original transaction.
- Click on OK
- The revesed transactions writes the word 'Reverse' in the description field.
- There is a 'Reverse' flag on the open item to identicate show if the transaction has been reversed.
To reverse a Invoice you must reverse the shipment firstly.
Reversing the shipment reverses the Invoice.
Example of the use of the 'REVERSE' Button, Reversing a Cash Book Variance
- Click on Financials the click on Bank Deposits for positive variances and Bank Payments for negative variances
- Click on the filter on the ribbon bar and change the filter a filter that starts with :"All", so you can see all transactions
- Search and highlight the transaction in question the description will be "Cash Count Variance For Shift (some number)"
- Click on the 'Reverse' button
- The system will prompt you for a date. Usually you accept the date as the date of the reversal should be the date of the original transaction.
- Click on OK
- The reversed transactions writes the word 'Reverse' in the description field.