You You will need to run several checks to find out where the problem is.
- In Readysell bring up the following modules
- Price Book
- Search for and find that product
- Check what that field says in comparison to the Office Brands data portal
- Screen print it it if you think you are going to require Readysell's help on this.
- Products
- Search for and find that product
- Check that on tab Settings, what tick boxes you have flagged to ignore product information being updated. If the tick box is on, that piece of information will never update on the product. (example only, below)
- Screen print it it if you think you are going to require Readysell's help on this.
- Product Import Rules
- Refer to documentation How to know if you are on automatic price updates
- Check what fields you have flagged to update on the enabled tasks (example only, of the screen)
- Check to see if you have it set to Override Primary Supplier (if you have not, then the system will never set your store to have the same primary product supplier as Office Brands - This is okay if you are not in the NSW state.)
- Screen print it it if you think you are going to require Readysell's help on this.
- Product Import Audit
- Navigation Panel > Inventory > Product Import Audit
- Change the filter to All Audit Records
- On the Product column, search for and find that product (if it exists, it will show the results)
- Change the filter on the column Field to filter out and show just the specific field you are after (e.g. List Price)
- Screen print it it if you think you are going to require Readysell's help on this.
- Tasks
- Office Brands Product Import (Navigation panel > Administration > Advanced > Tasks > search for and select task "Office Brands Product Import")
- Check that the import task is running with no errors
- Office Brands Product Sync (Navigation panel > Administration > Advanced > Tasks > search for and select task "Office Brands Product Sync")
- Check that the task is running with no errors
- Office Brands released the data last night and your task (Office Brands Product Sync) ran before the data was released by Office Brands at Midnight. the task Office Brands Product Sync and click on button Run Task Now. It will run and update your products with the latest office brands pricing.
- Office Brands Product Import (Navigation panel > Administration > Advanced > Tasks > search for and select task "Office Brands Product Import")
- Price Book
- Bring up/open up your website in internet explorer
- Search for and find that product
- Note down the pricing displayed or if it says price pending
- Screen print it if you think you are going to require Readysell's help on this.
- Office Brands Data PortalPortal (please consult with Office Brands on how to get to this or use this if you are unsure)
- Search for and find that product
- Note down the pricing or relevant field of information that is incorrect at the Readysell or website end
- Screen print it if you think you are going to require Readysell's help on this.
- Office Brands Management Centre (please consult with Office Brands on how to get to this or use this if you are unsure)
- Search for and find that product
- Note down the pricing or relevant field of information that is incorrect at the Readysell or website end
- Screen print it if you think you are going to require Readysell's help on this.
- If you can find where the issue is, (i.e. you had a field flagged to ignore that piece of information on the product), make the relevant change and the system will update that field the following night (if the task Office Brands Product Import is set to run every night - you can force this task to run yourself by selecting the task Office Brands Product Import and clicking on the button Run Task Now)
- If you cannot find where the issue is that is causing this, please create a ticket / or OR send an email to
- Advise what the problem is. (i.e. the sell pricing in Readysell does not match the price on the office brands data portal for product abc123, or the buy units in Readysell do not match the RQ on the Office Brands Data Portal for product abc123, or the Minimum Order quantity in Readysell does not match the minimum order quantity on the Office Brands Data Portal for product abc123)
- Advise what the product code is
- Advise what is showing on the product file in Readysell that you believe is wrong
- Advise what is showing in the price book file in Readysell - is it also wrong
- Advise what is showing on the Office Brands data portal
- Include all screen prints from above steps so we can see what you've found so far on your system (we may be able to provide you with a quick answer this way) by highlighting the above, copying it, pasting it into the ticket with your answers and screen shots.
Note |
If Readysell's help is required for this issue, you may be charged for investigation if it is something you were able to use this documentation for. At the time you submit your ticket/email please advise that you approve of a charge for this work if it is not a Readysell issue. |