- On the local PC, create a folder in the user's directory at C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Local\Programs\Readysell Computer Solutions\Readysell.Win
- Navigate to the network location where Readysell for Windows' files are located. The directory name should be Readysell.Win
- Copy all the files in the network location to the newly created folder, expect for the "x64" and "x86" folders.
- Once root files have been copied across to the newly created folder, open the folder which corresponds with your OS (64 bit OS use the x64 folder, 32 bit OS use the x86 folder).
- Copy the files from the folder and applied them in newly created folder on the client's end
- Create the "Readysell" shortcut
On the local copy, right click the file called Readysell.Win.exe and then "Create Shortcut on Desktop"
- Rename the newly created shortcut to "Readysell"
- Create the "Readysell Training/Test" shortcut
- On the local copy, right click the file called Readysell.Win.exe and then "Create Shortcut on Desktop"
- Rename the newly created shortcut to "Readysell Training/Test"
- Right click the shortcut and add the argument /environment Test
E.G ("C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Local\Programs\Readysell Computer Solutions\Readysell\Readysell.Win\Readysell.Win.exe" /environment Test) - Change the icon to Readysell.Test.ico to make the icon red
Installing Manually (Remote Desktop Services)