Note |
Before commencing any bank reconciliation for any bank account please ensure that the starting positon and starting bankrec for each bank account has been set up by Readysell. Also ensure that if you decide to export a full months transaction list from the bank that you check the file before you import. Some bank accounts have a maximum number of records. A message may display on the Banks side. If this is the case, Readysell suggests that you don't do a monthly bankrec but maybe a fortnightly or weekly or speak to your bank. |
Note |
You will need to download a bank statement from your bank. The procedure for doing this varies between banks, but we can provide links to the procedure for several major banks. Perhaps yours is on the list. If not, please contact your bank and ask them for assistance on the procedure for downloading bank statements in a form that can be imported into a ERP program such as Readysell. See: Importing bank statements from your bank for import into your Readysell bank reconciliation |
- Ensure that all the Customer Deposits and Supplier Payments are entered against each card with the correct date and payment reference working off the bank statement.
- Ensure that any miscellaneous bank deposits or bank payments have been set up as a Bank Reconciliation Rule or Recurring Payment. If you need to create new rules do so before commencing a bankrec.
- When Importing the Bank Statement Lines the 'Auto Match' check box is actioned when the bank statement lines match the readysell bankrec lines, this is based upon the rules set on each tender, the date, payment reference and value.
- When importing the Bank Statement Lines into a Bank Reconciliation, the system will create a number of Bank Deposits/Bank Payments if you have set up a set of Bank Reconciliation Rules correctly based upon what is in the field of 'Search Reference' on the bank reconciliation rule itself.
It is not until you review and finalise these auto created Banking Payments/Deposits, will the check box of 'auto match' be ticked in the Bank Reconciliation for them - If you have not posted these bank payments and/or deposits, do not attempt to reimport the bank statement lines again as it will recreate the same bank deposits/payments.
You must check the auto generated bank payments/deposits either finalise or delete them if you need to reimport the same bank statement again. - If you have posted these auto created bank payments and/or deposits then it is fine to reimport Bank Statement lines if you have overlooked entry of Customer or Supplier Payment on a card. No duplicates will be created.
- If whilst in a Bank Reconciliation, you insert a New Bank Payment and/or Bank Deposit the system should auto match these unless you reimport the Bank Statement lines again.