- Log onto Readysell
- Select Sales
- Select Orders
- Click on New to enter a new sales order to stand for the lay-by
- Check the date
Select workflow status "Layby"
Expand title Show Me - Select the customer. If the customer does not have an account use or set up a miscellaneous customer
- Enter the customer order reference
- Enter the products or scan the product, quantity and pricing
Click on the tab Customer
Expand title Show Me - Enter more details if the customer does not exist on file (i.e. customer's name and contact details)
- Click Save
Click the Pay button
Expand title Show Me - The system will display the amount of deposit required as specified by the percentage entered into the system reference
- You
You can overwrite the value of the deposit if you wish and click on OK to accept the payment
Expand title Show Me - A tender window will appear
Please select the correct method of Payment and click on OK
Expand title Show Me - A Invoice/ and or receipt will either print or display depending on your work station settings.
- The status on the Sales Order will either change to Inprogress or Pending depending upon the value of the deposit.
Cancelling a Payment on a Layby or Order Payment
- Log onto readysell
- Select sales
- Select orders
- Search for the Order and Highlight it
- Click on Cancel Order
- The system will pop up a Cancel Order window displaying the Paid amount, Cancellation Fee and Return Amount and Tender.
If you are not charging a cancellation fee and returning the full value of the deposit taken and wanting to cancel the whole transaction , enter a 0.00 into the cancellation fee and select the tender method that best suits how you are refunding them . Normally it is the same tender that the deposit was originally taken.
Expand title Show Me - If a Fee is to be charged for the cancellation, enter the value or leave the full deposit and select the tender and click on OK
- The status on that Sales orders will change to ‘Cancelled’.
Reversing a Payment on an existing order but not cancelling the order and refunding the deposit
- Log onto readysell
- Select sales
- Select orders
- Search for the Order and Highlight it
- Check the amount of the Payment
- Click on the Pay action Button
- Enter the payment in backwards and click on OK
- Select the right tender being the original tender used on the initial deposit.
- Click on OK
- The status on the Sale changes to Open.
- Make the appropriate changes to the order
- Then enter the payment again.