- Log into Readysell
- From the Navigation panel click Administration
- Select Advanced
- Click System Types
In the search bar type in - Sales
Expand title Show Me - Code = Order-deposit
- Value = enter the percentage required for the deposit on that order
- Click button Save
- You may need to log out of sales and log back in.
Setting Up A Product To Stand For The Cancellation Of A Payment On An Order or Layby
- Check and see if there is a General Ledger account of ‘Forfeit Deposits’. If not set one up in Income section of your chart
Check and see if there is a Product Category called something like ‘ Cancel Laybys/Order Payments’. Assign the GL account for the Forfeit deposit into the field of ‘Sales’ only
Expand title Show Me -
Set up product called OC as non stock product to stand for Order Cancellation. Ensure that the product category is ‘Cancel Layby/Order Payment’ category. Ensure that the Type = Order cancellation}
Expand title Show Me Laybys are handled by entering the sales order and then clicking on the "PAY' action button in the Top Ribbon when receiving the initial payment.
Once a payment is made against the layby, the status of the salord (layby) changes to 'In Progress'n or 'Pending' depending on whether the payment has been received in full.
If the stock is available the stock will be allocated against this sales order.
When you initially enter the salord to stand for the layby, the workflow status on the sales order starts off as 'None', before you enter the Payment, change the workflow status to Layby then click on the Pay button in the top ribbon to acknowledge the payment received.
When the customer makes another payment on the layby you search for the sales order by filtering the workflow status = layby.Then click on PAY action button and enter the next payment received and tender it off using the correct tender.
Log onto readysell
- Select sales
- Select Orders
- Click on New to Enter a New sales order to stand for the Layby
- Check the date
Select workflow status ‘Layby’
Expand title Show Me - Select the customer . If the customer does not have an account maybe set up a Misc customer.
- Enter the customer order reference.
- Enter the products or scan the product, qty and pricing
Click on Tab = Customer
Expand title Show Me - Enter more details if the customer does not exist on file eg customers name and contact details.
- Click on Save
Then click on PAY action button from the top ribbon to enter the deposit
Expand title Show Me - The system will display the amount of deposit required as specified by the percentage entered into the system reference
You can overwrite the value of the deposit if you wish and click on OK to accept the payment
Expand title Show Me - A tender window will appear
Please select the correct method of Payment and click on OK
Expand title Show Me - A Invoice/ and or receipt will either print or display depending on your work station settings.
- The status on the Sales Order will either change to Inprogress or Pending depending upon the value of the deposit.
Cancelling a Payment on a Layby or Order Payment
- Log onto readysell
- Select sales
- Select orders
- Search for the Order and Highlight it
- Click on Cancel Order
- The system will pop up a Cancel Order window displaying the Paid amount, Cancellation Fee and Return Amount and Tender.
If you are not charging a cancellation fee and returning the full value of the deposit taken and wanting to cancel the whole transaction , enter a 0.00 into the cancellation fee and select the tender method that best suits how you are refunding them . Normally it is the same tender that the deposit was originally taken.
Expand title Show Me - If a Fee is to be charged for the cancellation, enter the value or leave the full deposit and select the tender and click on OK
- The status on that Sales orders will change to ‘Cancelled’.
Reversing a Payment on an existing order but not cancelling the order and refunding the deposit
- Log onto readysell
- Select sales
- Select orders
- Search for the Order and Highlight it
- Check the amount of the Payment
- Click on the Pay action Button
- Enter the payment in backwards and click on OK
- Select the right tender being the original tender used on the initial deposit.
- Click on OK
- The status on the Sale changes to Open.
- Make the appropriate changes to the order
- Then enter the payment again.