Click on the button Office Brands, select the option of Hide/Unhide on WebX
Make sure the tick box is on for either (not both) Active or Obsolete depending on what Office Brands have the product marked as
Click on the button OK
You then get a pop-up window that says Status updated
Click on the button OK
Then you need to hit the Save button on the product
You will definitely have to wait overnight for the reinstatement of the product as it has to sync at the Office Brands web end.
Then after you finish with the above process in Readysell (without waiting overnight - but it is preferable to wait just in case there is an issue at the web end) make the Status on the product to be whatever you want it to be, and on tab Settings, turn off or on, depending on the situation, the flag to Ignore Status so that the Office Brands data doesn't override your product status in Readysell.
If the product is an Obsolete product at the data portal end, if you wanted to change the status to Active in Readysell if you wished to continue to sell it and purchase it as normal, then turn on the check box for Ignore status if you want it to remain at your choice of status.
Navigation Panel > Administration > Advanced > Tasks
Search for and find task: Office Brands Product Sync
Select it and then go to the right-hand side and click on tab Parameters
Look for: LastRunProductObsoleteSync
This is the last date and time it ran (the time is zulu time not the time you see on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen) Make sure it is filled in, if it is not, then set it back to the date of day before today i.e. 2023-03-28 but you do NOT need to include the time - leave that off. Click on the button Save.
If you do not want to wait for the task to run, click on the button Run Task Now and run it manually right now yourself.