The website will show the catalogue prices for products unless you specifically override the price. The "Display on Website" checkbox on products can be used to send your sell prices to the web instead of the default sell prices.
Note |
If you are overriding pricing on catalogue products on the web: - Any current valid flyer pricing will not be seen/applied on your website for those products that are flagged as display on website in your product file.
- Once you have flagged Display On Website on a product you are now assuming full control over all pricing on this product both in Readysell and your website as the pricing in Readysell will now flow up to the web becoming store pricing.
- If you turn off Display On Website on the product, the product pricing will go back to the standard Office Brands pricing and you no longer will update that pricing on that product on the web, it will be controlled by Office Brands.
If your pricing seems to differ on the web from Readysell or if your customers are getting a message of 'price pending' for a product.
Try forcing one product up to the web and see if that product now works
Log onto Readysell>Products
Search for the product in question and highlight it
Right-click on a header and select customise layout
Drag the field of ' office brands data last updated' onto the product list view.
Mentally note down the date shown in the "Office Brands Data Last Updated" field. Changing the sell price below needs to cause this date to change. If it changes, the new sell prices will be sent to the web.Image Modified ​Make a change to one of the product's sell prices of one cent. Save the product. Then change the sell price back again. This will force the "Office Brands Data Last Updated" field to refresh. Which flags the product to have its sell prices sent to the web.
Click on Save
Check that the date in the field should change to the current Greenwich meantime (sets the time to be the time in England)
Now just move on to other work and wait for the "Office Brands Data Last Updated" date on the product to change to "01/01/01". This may take some time.
Then when the date has changed. Log onto the Web yourself and check to see if the price is now correct.
The process above proves if the problem is due to an update not making it to the web or if there is some issue that is preventing updates for this example product changing the sell price on the web.
The Task "Office Brands Product Sync" will run, if you are working during business hours, and send it up to the web.
The task is as per the screenshot belowImage Modified The task runs every 15 minutes.
Price Pending message for extended range products
If a customer tries to buy an extended range product and if that product does not exist on your Readysell product file. Then the customer can see a "price pending" error on the website. There is no perfect solution to this problem. But there are two approaches you can take to resolve it, as shown below.