The website will show the catalogue prices for products unless you specifically override the price. The "Display on Website" checkbox on products can be used to send your sell prices to the web instead of the default sell prices.
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If you are overriding pricing on catalogue products on the web:
If your pricing seems to differ on the web from Readysell or if your customers are getting a message of 'price pending' for a product.
Try forcing one product up to the web and see if that product now works
If a customer tries to buy an extended range product and if that product does not exist on your Readysell product file. Then the customer can see a "price pending" error on the website. What happens is your website creates an entry for every product and waits for the sell price update from Readysell. But Readysell does not create extended range products on the product file. Readysell does save those products into the price book, but by default not onto your product file. So the sell price for the extended range products never flows to the website. Causing those products to show on the website as having "Price Pending". The solution is to create the product on the readysell product file. There is no perfect solution to this problem. But there are two approaches you can take to resolve it, as shown below.
The cause of this issue is that Readysell normally copies all extended range products to the product file. But we do not normally load extended range products to the product file. There is an option to load them, but we leave it off by default. As adding every possible extended range product to the product file can create a lot of clutter on your product file. It does not affect search speed or other matters. But does cause a lot of products to be visible your Readysell product file that you'll never sell.
You can get this problem if the "Extended Range" import is disabled or if you do not have a copy of that import that is enabled and which has the "New Products" checkbox turned on.
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Once off correction
This happens, you can create the product on your product file by clicking the new button on products, entering the product code then letting the product details add from the price book.
If you want to stop this from happening for all products. You need to change your product import rule for "Extended Range" to create new products. To do this you go to product import rules. Set the "Extended Range" rule to be inactive. Copy the "Extended Range" Rule to "My Extended Range", activate the new copy of the rule and then tick checkbox the "New Products" tickbox on the new copy. Then go to tasks, find "Office Brands Product Import" task, go to Parameters and set the "LastRunDate" parameter to blank. Save the task then click the "Run button (or leave the task to update overnight.
If your pricing is not correct and you want it to match the pricing on the Office Brands catalogue
Update your system with the latest catalogue loads or run a price book run.
- If Display On Website is still flagged on the product, that updated pricing will then flow through to the web.
- If you turn off Display On Website on the product, the product pricing will go back to the standard Office Brands pricing and you no longer will update that pricing on that product on the web, it will be controlled by Office Brands.
Should you require any assistance with this, please contact Readysell with a support email (send to support@readysell.com.au) or ticket through your Readysell program.